Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to School - Finally!

After almost a week, we finally got to go back to school today! Nicole and I spent the first part of the morning in the office creating excel spreadsheets. They were very excited to have two girls with computer experience! Trouble was, they are still using versions of Microsoft Office created back when dinosaurs roamed the it took a while to adjust :)
After first break, we moved on over to Allen's classroom. We only got to pull a couple of girls out to talk today, as the students had a short work day. It's been really neat to start the process of building relationships with these girls. A lot of them asked where we had been this whole week! It's hard, though, when you can't get around to talk with all of them in one day.
After lunch, we sat in on a choir rehearsal. The students are practicing a song for the church service at the school on Sunday. They are singing "God of this City," by Chris Tomlin. It's kind of funny that most of the songs you hear here in South Africa are from American artists. You even hear American hip-hop walking through the aisles of the grocery stores! In any case, the children at Rivermead Christian Academy don't have regular music classes, so it was rather humorous to see this choir rehearsal (it definetely didn't work like it would have in America).
It looks as if we are going to have the rest of the afternoon to take a nap, read, relax, whatever. But hey, this is Africa - you never know!

The two of us working in the office today.

This is Sophiso, who is the cause of all misbehavior in Allen's class (well, most of it). We caught him in the act of boredom today - notice the clothespin attached to his nose :)


  1. I'm glad you were able to get back to the school and see the girls, who have obviously been missing you!

    Love the boy with the clothes pin on his nose...not sure how that can be anything but uncomfortable, but I've never tried it out. ;)

    Love you,
    Mom 2

  2. Why the clothespin? I (John) used to do that as a kid and that hurts! Clothespins are not good boredom curbing tools.
    Thanks for all the posts! We are praying for you!

    JJAG Hanson
